AWA: Academic Writing at Auckland

Showing 1 to 20 of 26
AnnotatedTitle Subject Paper type Level
Analysis of cohesive elements
Select a text that you could use in teaching English as a second/foreign language. Analyse the text for elements making it cohesive and coherent. How and why might you use your analysis in teaching?
Language Teaching Analysis essay
Research methods report
Honours year (postgraduate)
Approaches to improving student writing
Compare process and genre approaches to L2 writing instruction.
1. How does each approach view: the process of becoming a writer, criteria for good writing and how to communicate these to learners, how teachers s ...
Language Teaching Explanation Second year
Auckland Uni Pillow Book
You are Sei Shōnagon, the author (and narrator) of the Pillow Book, but you have found yourself now as a student of Japanese literature at the University of Auckland. Employing the narrator's distinct style, compose ...
Japanese Creative writing Second year
Case study: Communicative Language Teaching in an East Asian school
You are teaching at a private language school in East Asia, using CLT-influenced coursebook. Complaints come from students and parents, who want to revert to local-style curriculum and materials (systematic situational/s ...
Language Teaching Case study Third year
Characterisation and audience participation in Ali: Fear eats the soul
How Bertolt Brecht's new forms of drama were adopted by Rainer Werner Fassbinder in his film "Ali: Fear Eats the Soul".
European Studies Analysis essay Second year
Communicative Language Teaching
Explain your understanding of CLT and assess the extent to which a language teaching activity or task represents it. Use a task described in an article. Justify your response with references to the
Language Teaching Analysis essay Third year
Communicative Language Teaching lesson plan
Lesson plan.
PART ONE: Analysing a course book unit (23 marks)
PART TWO: (12 marks)
Create a communicative activity to provide interactive practice in the new grammar that is the main focus in the un ...
Language Teaching Design
First year
Complex Legacy of Ariwara no Narihira
The Tales of Ise (Ise monogatari) has been interpreted over time as portraying the life of a particular individual, the court aristocrat Ariwara no Narihira (在原業平825-80). Take up at least three episod ...
Japanese Analysis essay Second year
Diplomatic, strategic and economic influences on New Zealanders' attitudes towards China
Closer ties with China are not universally popular with New Zealanders. Outline some of the diplomatic, strategic and economic influences, both historical and contemporary, which have shaped New Zealanders' attitudes tow ...
Asian Studies Argument essay First year
European history: Science and politics vs. religion
Throughout European history, scientific discoveries as well as political philosophy have often conflicted with religious beliefs. Via two examples explore in detail the nature and outcome of these conflicts.
European Studies Explanation First year
How far can the DPRK be considered communist?
Tutorial report. DPRK: communist? Authoritarian/ totalitarian?
Korean Argument essay Second year
Individual differences in second language teaching
You are given several ESL learner profiles on the following page. Write a 1,300-word paper relating these profiles to the course readings. You must include the following components in your paper:
a. Importance of ...
Language Teaching Analysis essay
Second year
Journal article evaluation: Warren Matsuoka & David Hirsh
Choose one of the vocabulary research articles in the issue and write an evaluation of it, following the guidelines below: Why is the article interesting to you? How does it relate to your experience as a language learn ...
Language Teaching Evaluation Honours year (postgraduate)
Kawaii aesthetics: Empowerment or objectification?
'Kawaii aesthetics in Japan is a product of patriarchy and male gaze, and it objectifies and disempowers woman.' To what extent would you agree with such a statement? Consider kawaii as aesthetics that contribute to the ...
Japanese Argument essay Second year
Korean War and New Zealand
To what extent did New Zealand participate in the Korean War? What concerns motivated this participation? How has our involvement in this conflict influenced our current relationship with the Republic of Korea?
Asian Studies Argument essay First year
Narrative inquiry as a method of qualitative research
Discussion of two articles by Kramp and Pavlenko.
Language Teaching Analysis essay Honours year (postgraduate)
New Zealanders' attitudes towards China
Closer ties with China are not universally popular with New Zealanders. Outline some of the diplomatic, strategic and economic influences, both historical and contemporary, which have shaped New Zealanders' attitudes tow ...
Asian Studies Argument essay First year
Personal Reflection on Good Language Teaching and Learning
A personal theory of language teaching and learning based on my practice, reflection and observation during this course. The reflection is based on the analysis of: journal entries you wrote for each lesson observed (by ...
Language Teaching Narrative Third year
Progress of democratisation in Korea
Detailed film analysis, a critical thinking of and engagement with historical, social, political and cultural dynamics of Korean society.
Asian Studies Analysis essay Second year
Representations of relationships of power
Many of the texts studied for this course illuminate some relationship of power, whether between individuals, ethnic groups, social classes, or men and women. Examine a range of these texts, illustrating the diversity of ...
Comparative Literature Analysis essay First year
Showing 1 to 20 of 26