AWA: Academic Writing at Auckland

Showing 1 to 20 of 115
AnnotatedTitle Subject Paper type Level
"Art is corrupted by technology." Agree/Disagree
Essay arguing that the effects of technology on music are positive.
Anthropology Argument essay First year
'Love and Honor in the Himalayas': Ethnographic analysis
In her book Stranger and Friend: The Way of an Anthropologist, Hortense Powdermaker wrote that "The anthropologist is a human instrument studying other human beings". Consider this statement in the context of Love and Ho ...
Anthropology Analysis essay First year
90-day trial period policy
Choose a current social issue or event in ONE of the following areas: religion, families, work, consumption. Read the chapter on what sociology does and the sociological imagination, and the relevant chapter on your topi ...
Sociology Analysis essay First year
We All Pay Your Benefits as Ideological State Apparatus
Analyse a media product using a sociological perspective
Sociology Analysis essay Third year
A Fine Line: Obsidian Hydration Bands as alternative to radiocarbon dating
The research proposal is written in response to specific questions included in the paper.
Anthropology Proposal Third year
Abstract for research proposal on Obsidian Hydration Bands dating technique
This paper is an abstract for a research proposal on the use of Obsidian Hydration Bands as an alternative to radiocarbon dating. The research proposal itself is also included in AWA.
Anthropology Research methods report Third year
Aka and Mundurucú gender equality / inequality comparison
Write a 2500 word essay relating to gender equality and/or inequality through comparing two pre-industrial societies. Make sure your essay has a clear thesis statement.
Anthropology Analysis essay Third year
An Analysis One News and 3 News: The Framing of Christchurch
Compare coverage of a single politics-related issue or event between... 2 reports in same medium. Describe how the political issue or event is communicated in each case, reflecting critically on differences between the t ...
Politics Analysis essay First year
Analysis of Gucci Handbag Advertisement
1. Choose any cultural text (obvious examples include advertisements, book covers, CD cases, or magazine pages). Provide an analysis of your chosen text using theory that has been covered in the course. You may wish to c ...
Sociology Analysis essay First year
Analysis of the Green Party's political advertising campaign for the 2008 New Zealand General Election
The Green Party's political advertising in the 2008 election. This advertising won an international award. To what extent was it effective in achieving the party goals and gaining public support?
Politics Evaluation Second year
Analytical techniques to study domestication
A review of the literature around techniques used by archaeologists in understanding domestication, particularly in Polynesia.
Anthropology Literature survey Third year
Anorexia and its effects on human growth and development
Full proposal including introduction, literature review, participants/ methods, data analysis, resources.
Anthropology Proposal Third year
Are privately operated prisons desirable?
An argument against extending privatisation to incarceration.
Criminology Argument essay Second year
Aristotle on property, government and Plato
Describe and discuss Aristotle's views on the relationship between private property and good government. How are these views related to his critique of Plato?
Politics Analysis essay First year
Baber's leadership styles in NZ
Drawing on the theoretical literature on political leadership, present a typology that best encompasses the contrasting leadership styles of three modern New Zealand prime ministers. Taking into account New Zealand's ...
Politics Argument essay Third year
Book review of International Organizations in Global Environmental Governance
Review this book: Biermann, Frank (Ed.), Siebenhüner, Bernd (Ed.), & Schreyögg, Anna (Ed.). (2009). International Organizations in Global Environmental Governance. New York, USA: Routledge.

Politics Evaluation Third year
Can Finland's strategies help reduce New Zealand's high imprisonment rates?
Finland's strategy for reducing incarceration rates: Can it help reduce New Zealand's high imprisonment rates?
Sociology Argument essay Second year
Case study on Market-Oriented Political Advertisements: Barack Obama's 2012 U.S Presidential campaign
Applies Claire Robinson's theory of market orientation in political advertisements to Barack Obama's campaign advertisements for the 2012 presidential election.
Politics Analysis essay Third year
Causes of Maori over-representation in prison
What are the factors in the historically recent rise in the over- representation of Maori in Prisons today?
Sociology Argument essay Third year
Ceramic variation in Nacula, Fiji
Generate data on ceramic variation related to ceramic function and technology. The ceramics you will analyse were excavated from Nacula Island (site Y1-15, locally named Natia) in north-western Fiji.
Anthropology Research methods report Third year
Showing 1 to 20 of 115