AWA: Academic Writing at Auckland

Showing 1 to 6 of 6
AnnotatedTitle Subject Paper type Level
Importance and function of dance in Tonga
Essay describing the importance of Tongan dance in three different dance forms.
Pacific Studies Analysis essay First year
Importance of language in Pacific culture
Pacific Studies is trans-disciplinary and deals with the study of Pacific peoples. Identify any aspect of Pacific Studies you have learnt (e.g. language, identity, performing art, politics or economics) and discuss its i ...
Pacific Studies Analysis essay First year
Influences on Pacific lives over the last two centuries
Describe the most significant influences on Pacific lives over the last two centuries.
Pacific Studies Argument essay First year
Language in a Tongan world-view
An analysis of the significance of the Tongan language in shaping the Tongan world-view with examples from social organization within the Tongan society.
Pacific Studies Analysis essay First year
Pacific challenges from diversity of worldviews
Using three of the key concepts below, discuss the challenges facing contemporary Pacific Islanders:
a) gender, b) mobility, c) cultural values, d) traditional versus contemporary
Pacific Studies Argument essay First year
Traditional Fijian weaponry on display
A 2,000 word essay - students were encouraged to use illustrations and photos from a visit to the Auckland Museum. They could express their point of view about a particular carving they wrote their paper on, about how th ...
Pacific Studies Evaluation
First year
Showing 1 to 6 of 6