AWA: Academic Writing at Auckland

Showing 1 to 20 of 75
AnnotatedTitle Subject Paper type Level
1080: evidence surrounding New Zealand's most contentious poison
Use the scientific literature to evaluate the recent scientific evidence supporting and opposing the use of 1080 for conservation management. Use the PCE 2011 as a starting point.
Biological Sciences Argument essay Third year
Advantages and disadvantages of different methods for testing stress theories
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using human laboratory experiments, animal experiments, and surveys to test health psychology theories.
Psychology Evaluation Third year
Anxious-ambivalent individuals and behaviour towards romantic partners during stress
Introduction: Description of relevant attachment dimension and associated thoughts, feelings and behaviour. Description of why conflict/stress is important attachment-relevant situation for people high in anxiety-ambival ...
Psychology Research methods report Third year
Associate geographies of production and consumption
Using sweatshops as an example, examine the associate geographies of production and consumption.
Geography Argument essay First year
Auckland street names
Drawing on the two readings and tutorial worksheet, discuss how Auckland street name patterns reflect the different stages of Auckland's expansion.
Geography Analysis essay First year
Badminton and swimming
Write a brief essay on two chosen sports, including:
1. History and evolution of the sport, impact of technology on the sport. 2. Rules, regulations and objectives. 3. Physical and/or mental training required to c ...
Sports Science Explanation First year
Basketball and Football
Write a brief essay on two chosen sports, including:
1. History and evolution of the sport, impact of technology on the sport. 2. Rules, regulations and objectives. 3. Physical and/or mental training required to c ...
Sports Science Explanation First year
Cerebral Asymmetries
Discuss why cerebral asymmetries may have arisen and outline the structural and functional neural substrates that may support asymmetry
Psychology Discussion essay Third year
Chemical morphology of hoverflies
Choose a topic in chemical ecology of insects and write a review.
Biological Sciences Literature survey Honours year (postgraduate)
Climate as culture: understanding the environment relationally
Responses to several questions based on readings: Which human-environment relationships are privileged in Hulme's account, and how do these differ with the ideas of Watsuji? How are these approaches reflective of their g ...
Geography Evaluation Third year
Comparative study into α-amylase activity of two marine gastropods with distinctly different diets
A report of the methods and results of a study testing a-amylase activity in two marine gastropod species.
Biological Sciences Research methods report Third year
Comparison of two seal species
Compare and contrast of southern elephant seals and Weddell seals.
Biological Sciences Explanation First year
Coping with perinatal loss
Propose research which identifies how women cope with a spontaneous abortion, what methods are effective, and what needs to be improved or changed to help future women cope.
Psychology Proposal Second year
Cricket and Rugby
Write a brief essay on two chosen sports, including:
1. History and evolution of the sport, impact of technology on the sport. 2. Rules, regulations and objectives. 3. Physical and/or mental training required to c ...
Sports Science Explanation First year
Critical Evaluation of Evolutionary Psychology
Evolutionary Psychology is wrong in almost every detail. The problem isn't that it rests on 'one big mistake,' but that it makes little mistakes nearly every theoretical and empirical turn." (Buller, 2006)
Wr ...
Psychology Argument essay Third year
Do High School Dropouts And High School Graduates Differ In Neuroticism?
Using the provided data set, identify a single question that can be asked of the data collected. The question should take the form "Is 'Personality Trait' related to Y?" or "Do these two groups differ in 'Per ...
Psychology Evaluation Second year
Effect of background music on working memory in musicians and non-musicians
Proposal for a study investigating the effect of background music on memory in musicians and non-musicians.
Psychology Proposal Third year
Effects of prey size and spider size on the foraging behaviour in the nocturnal orb web spider Eriophora pustulosa
Optimum foraging theory and if/ how it applies to E. pustulosa.
Biological Sciences Research methods report Third year
Effects of temperature increase on heart rate in C. Japonica
Based on 3 hour lab - use relevant literature and write findings in the style of a scientific report, as if writing a paper for a scientific journal.
Biological Sciences Research methods report Third year
Essay plan: 'natural' environment, value and use
This plan relates to the Geography Discussion essay: "Hauraki Gulf: Conflicts between stakeholders and challenges for management" which addressed the following topic:
'People use and value the 'natural' environmen ...
Geography Discussion essay Second year
Showing 1 to 20 of 75