AWA: Academic Writing at Auckland

Resources to improve your academic writing


Referencing guide. How to avoid plagiarism, tips for paraphrasing and quoting, and fast access to the APA, MLA, Chicago, ACS and NZLSG referencing formats.


Academic writing guide. Know what is expected of you when writing at university and learn how to communicate your ideas effectively.

The Writer's Diet Test whether your writing is flabby or fit.


Copyright for staff and students. How to correctly use copyright materials in your academic writing.

Academic Integrity

Online course. Modules designed to increase student knowledge of academic integrity and rules relating to academic conduct.

Plagiarism screening. Teaching staff may require you to provide an e-version of your assignment so that its originality can be reviewed by the detection system.


Academic writing workshops. Practical sessions facilitated by Libraries and Learning Services. Select the topic “Academic reading and writing.”

ELE Online

English Language Enrichment. An online catalogue of resources aimed at improving language skills for students who have English as a second language.