AWA: Academic Writing at Auckland

A Design is a key task in technical, scientific and applied disciplines. The writer creates and evaluates an original solution, often to a real-world issue requiring a practical solution. While there are many kinds of Design papers, in technical and scientific disciplines, Designs tend to include an introduction which explains the purpose of the design, a central section which describes the design and supports this with technical data, and a final section which reviews procedures and shows how the design meets specifications (Nesi & Gardner, 2012, p. 183-185). In AWA, Designs include workplace-type texts, including Lesson and Teaching Plans, which use a different structure.

Showing 1 to 10 of 10
AnnotatedTitle Subject Paper type Level
Agent H3 as a Potential Replacement Fire Extinguishant to Halon 1301
The assignment is designed to give you practice in developing and publishing a technical report. Consider: Format and presentation; structure and content; style of writing; summary; references; figures. You are given som ...
Engineering General Design Second year
Build-A-Bow Design Tool
Implement a design tool for your chosen mechanical product in Microsoft Excel using VBA. Describe the task undertaken, the methods used in implementing a spreadsheet solution, printed copies of relevant portions of the s ...
Engineering Science Design Second year
Communicative Language Teaching lesson plan
Lesson plan.
PART ONE: Analysing a course book unit (23 marks)
PART TWO: (12 marks)
Create a communicative activity to provide interactive practice in the new grammar that is the main focus in the un ...
Language Teaching Design First year
Learning and Consumer Behaviour
Part A: Essay (20%) Learning Theory and Marketing
Write an essay discussing why learning theories have been regarded as important within consumer behaviour theory, and how they are useful for marketers. Discuss w ...
Marketing Design First year
Third year
Learning theories and marketing
Part A: Essay (20%) Learning Theory and Marketing
Write an essay discussing why learning theories have been regarded as important within consumer behaviour theory, and how they are useful for marketers. Discuss w ...
Marketing Design Third year
Learning Theory and Consumer Behaviour Theory
Part A: Essay (20%) Learning Theory and Marketing
Write an essay discussing why learning theories have been regarded as important within consumer behaviour theory, and how they are useful for marketers. Discuss w ...
Marketing Design Third year
Optimising the Air Traffic Control Roster at Auckland Airport
You have been asked to look at the rostering of Auckland Airport air traffic controllers. 1) How good are the current staffing levels? 2) Analyse the data to understand flight arrival and departure numbers at different t ...
Engineering Science Design Second year
Original rhythm: Positive youth development through the performing arts
The design of a percussion-based performing arts programme in schools.
Youth Work Design First year
Suitability of SolidWorks as a tool for 3D Solid Modelling - Build-A-Bow
Investigate the suitability of SolidWorks as a CAD tool for your chosen mechanical product.
Engineering Science Design Second year
Teaching materials for 'A Dangerous Sky'
Develop, for a second language classroom, a unit and teaching materials for the graded reader A Dangerous Sky (Austen, M. (2013). A Dangerous Sky. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
1. describe the teaching co ...
Language Teaching Design Third year
Showing 1 to 10 of 10