AWA: Academic Writing at Auckland

Narratives are used in a variety of ways. They can report time-based events in a truthful way, but they can also include a creative element. They may have a setting, a complicating action and a resolution, but not all Narratives use this. In AWA, Narratives include Recounts of events, Ethnographies, and Reflective writing, for example where the writer reflects on progress and problems encountered during a larger assignment project.

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AnnotatedTitle Subject Paper type Level
Extended scene preparation
5 questions prompting paragraph-length answers ex Task 1: What element of the play have you decided to expand upon? (1 point) Explain the main theme and aspect of the narrative that you will focus on. How will our unders ...
English Narrative First year
Famous People I Have Known
Creative Non Fiction: Complete one Creative Non Fiction exercise in the coursepack to Final Submission standard. Word count: 1,000-1,500. Famous People I Have Known - Recreate your own interaction with a famous person.
English Narrative Second year
Grace's Hen Party: A rite of passage ritual
Anthropology. Write a mini-ethnography based on a real-life experience.
Anthropology Narrative First year
Personal reflection
This assignment requires you to reflect on and discuss two specific lectures and how the lecture material impacted on you in a personal way.
Education Narrative Third year
Personal Reflection on Good Language Teaching and Learning
A personal theory of language teaching and learning based on my practice, reflection and observation during this course. The reflection is based on the analysis of: journal entries you wrote for each lesson observed (by ...
Language Teaching Narrative Third year
Reflective Essay on Group Assignment
Part A: Reflect upon your experiences working in your team this semester. Comment on what went well, and why, and also what did not go as well in your team and reflect upon what you could do differently in future team wo ...
Marketing Narrative Third year
Sympathy or Hostility: Aucklanders' Response to Homeless People
Anthropology. Write a brief ethnography on a chosen aspect of New Zealand culture, incorporating concepts from the course.
Anthropology Narrative First year
The world is a dance. Mindfulness is witnessing that dance
How have dance processes led to this project? What were your particular starting points? What is your creative intention? What movement ideas underpin the body of this work? How did you go about selecting and developing ...
Dance Studies Narrative First year
Turning corners
Choose a story which has been reported in the media − newspaper, television, radio, magazine, blog. It should be a story which opens up ideas around a significant social, cultural or political issue. Either attach ...
English Narrative First year
Who am I? Road to Auckland
Write about how you came to be in Auckland, with reference to sociological theories.
Sociology Narrative First year
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