AWA: Academic Writing at Auckland

Showing 1 to 6 of 6
AnnotatedTitle Subject Paper type Level
1Above travel recovery drink marketing plan
This assignment is made to understand New Zealand consumer perceptions of their products. Findings would be used to determine any potential changes to the marketing mix in order to expand 1Above's sales volume in New Zea ...
Marketing Proposal
Research methods report
Second year
Learning and Consumer Behaviour
Part A: Essay (20%) Learning Theory and Marketing
Write an essay discussing why learning theories have been regarded as important within consumer behaviour theory, and how they are useful for marketers. Discuss w ...
Marketing Design
Discussion essay
First year
Third year
Learning theories and marketing
Part A: Essay (20%) Learning Theory and Marketing
Write an essay discussing why learning theories have been regarded as important within consumer behaviour theory, and how they are useful for marketers. Discuss w ...
Marketing Design
Discussion essay
Third year
Learning theories in marketing
Part A: Essay (20%) Learning Theory and Marketing
Write an essay discussing why learning theories have been regarded as important within consumer behaviour theory, and how they are useful for marketers. Discuss w ...
Marketing Discussion essay
Third year
Learning Theory and Consumer Behaviour Theory
Part A: Essay (20%) Learning Theory and Marketing
Write an essay discussing why learning theories have been regarded as important within consumer behaviour theory, and how they are useful for marketers. Discuss w ...
Marketing Design
Discussion essay
Third year
Reflective Essay on Group Assignment
Part A: Reflect upon your experiences working in your team this semester. Comment on what went well, and why, and also what did not go as well in your team and reflect upon what you could do differently in future team wo ...
Marketing Narrative Third year
Showing 1 to 6 of 6